Thursday, April 5, 2012

Where to Buy High Quality Hearing Aids on the Internet for Less Money

I have moderate to severe hearing loss, as a result I decided to purchase a higher quality hearing aid, when I first started looking for my new set of ears, I was blown away at the outrageous prices quoted to me. Working with my audiologist was an eye opener for me, it appears that good quality hearing aids cost a small fortune. I was quoted with a 5 thousand dollar package deal. At these prices I decided that I would rather go with out and live as I did, "hard of hearing."
Like many people my health insurance covered very little towards the expense of hearing aids. ($250) I asked myself, "is it possible to buy quality made hearing aids, direct from the internet?" The answer I found after sifting through many websites, was to try out a new, less known brand called, Myhearpod hearing aids.
After reading customer reviews, and checking to see if anyone was displeased with the hearpod brand I decided to give them a shot. I did not find anyone bad mouthing the brand. Because the company has a 45 day money back guarantee, I took a gamble and purchased these hearing aids.
I would like to give you a quick review of what I like about my new myhearpods, I bought the pair of CIC (completely in the ear canal) style hearing aid, because I like the idea of using my ear naturally to funnel sound. I really enjoyed the simplicity of the ordering process, all I was required to do was enter my audio gram results, into an internet form, selected the model, and pay the bill.
I waited less than a week for my hearing aids were shipped to my home. This fast service leaves me speechless. How did they do it so fast? I got a years supply of batteries as a bonus. In the box comes instructions, and the hearpods, silicon pillows to used for comfort, wax guards. I was a little taken by how small and tiny these things are at first, when they are in my ears they can not be seen.
After much anticipation and of course reading the instructions, I was ready to try on my new ears, and I am blown away at the quality, and I give them my highest recommendation to everyone who reads this. While the hearing aids are not as good as perfect hearing; I think they are the next best thing to it. As for the 45 day trial period I wouldn't dream of giving them up now.

5 Big Food and Fitness Myths

1. Fat-Free Is Care-Free
Low-fat, reduced fat and fat-free. They wouldn't slap it on the front of packaging in big bright letters if people didn't think it was somehow better for them. The problem is that calories are still calories, whether they come from fat, protein, sugar, or whatever else. AND, fat has a high energy density, making you feel fuller on less calories. It doesn't mean all fat is good for you, or that you shouldn't choose foods low in trans fat, but you're kind of defeating the purpose if you have to eat twice as much to feel full because your avoiding foods with fat. More info.
2. Weight Loss Can Be Targeted To A Specific Area Of The Body
The biggest offender in this one is ab workouts. I've seen a ridiculous array of ab workout equipment on the market claiming to give you rock hard abs in only 15 minutes a day. Yeah, sure.... The same goes for every other area of your body. Yes, working out a specific part of your body will help to build muscle in that specific area, but it won't do a bit a good for your outward appearance if there is still a layer of fat covering your brand new muscles. Basically, you can't target where you burn calories or lose fat. You can only target where you build muscle, which will only be noticed once the fat is gone.
3. Stretching Before A Workout Decreases Risk Of Injury
This one's a tough one. Most advice on proper fitness includes stretching as a must before any workout. But think about it this way; The reason for stretching is to get your body warmed up for the various ranges of motion your body will be subjected to during your workout. The problem is that when you stretch, your muscles, tendons and joints are being put through that range of motion while still cold. The proper way to get ready for a workout is to do 5-10 minutes on a treadmill, bike or elliptical, then stretch, then get to your main workout. Yeah, it adds a bit of extra time in, but it's a small price for keeping all your muscles and tendons in tact. More info.
4. Cravings Are Caused By Nutrient Deficiencies
Right away, a red flag with this one is that if you've noticed, your cravings are usually for chocolate and other things you generally find tasty. I've met very few people who have a craving for kelp (iodine), celery (vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C) or rice bran (fiber). Most recent studies have shown that cravings tend to have an emotional or pyshcological cause, rather than physiological. That's not to say that no cravings are caused by a nutrient deficiency, and there is still a lot of debate in the medical community, but it does mean the next time you're craving a candy bar, it probably isn't your body telling you that you need more sugar, caramel and peanuts...
5. Eat As Many Fruits & Vegetables As You Want
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie. You can become overweight eating nothing but broccoli the same as if you were shoveling in twinkles all day. Sure, the twinkles would get the job done faster, but where the danger comes in is that many people let their guard down regarding portion size when eating something considered healthy. As healthy as it may be, it still contains calories, which most fitness experts come back to as the be all and end all of weight loss. That's one reason our products, such as CrispyFruit are portion controlled.

What Exactly Is Tendonitis?

In every part of the body where there are muscles connected to bones, the connecting tissues that join them are referred to as tendons. When something occurs that causes irritation to those tendons, the medical condition known as tendonitis can occur. It can happen for a variety of reasons and can be very painful to endure.
What Causes Tendonitis?
As we said, it can be caused by a variety of reasons but the one that happens most often is overuse. The condition has long been a part of sports medicine, because overuse of muscles during certain types of athletics can cause the tendons to become irritated. It can also happen because of an injury to a specific area, and when the injury causes pain during movement, the body will try to compensate for that pain by moving slightly off, putting more stress on the surrounding tendons and muscles than necessary and irritating the connecting tissues.
If an injury occurs to the lower back for example, the body will tend to move at a slightly different pace, so as to avoid irritating the injured area. This causes undue stress on the tendons connecting the hip and leg muscles and the tendons will become irritated by the erratic movement. Simple aging can also lead to this condition developing, due to bone pain or joint pain throughout the body.
Tendonitis Treatment
The treatment for this condition will depend primarily on what caused it to develop. The pain and swelling associated with it can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicine and analgesics but will not completely remove the pain, or accelerate the healing process for the tendons. Topical ointments that contain menthol can help, because they ease any joint pain and the menthol will increase the flow of blood to the injured tissues, accelerating the healing process.
Other treatments that may help the body begin to heal itself will involve physical therapy, or even chiropractic treatments. A pinched nerve in the back can be very painful and cause irritation to the surrounding tendons. The best way to treat that is through chiropractic manipulation of the spine, relieving the pressure on the nerve and increasing the blood flow to the affected areas. Physical therapy practices will alternate hot pack treatments to ease pain and increase blood flow with physical exercises to ease the tension within the muscles and tendons and begin to restore flexibility once more.
Other Measures That Can Be Taken
Sports injuries and repetitive motion injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome can be effectively treated by immobilizing the injured muscles and tendons until healing has begun. As a treatment for tendonitis, this can be very effective, and can improve the overall healing time because further injury is being prevented at the same time. The key to recovery from this condition, as with all injuries of this type are rest, reducing the inflammation and alleviating the pain.